It's Children's day and Mom is chatting up with the boys about Nehru-ji's love for children.
The topic moves on from the day to discipline, dreams etc.
Mom: " So, what do you dream to be when you grow up?"
First-born: "A Strong Boxing Champion!"
Mom: " Nice! But how does a boxing Champion become strong?"
First-born: "By eating healthy food and playing"
(Turning to Second-born)
Mom: What do you want to be when you grow-up?"
Second-born: "BIG!!!"
First-born (in an impatient voice) : " Not that! like a Pilot, Teacher, Farmer?"
Second-born (retaliates also in an impatient voice) : " I want to be just ME (i.e. his name) but just bigger!"
Sent a silent prayer upwards:
Please let them grow-up being themselves with just bigger limbs and even bigger hearts!
Happy Children's day!
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