There are no entry charges for this event
Organizer will provide canvas and Acrylic /Charcoal
The event will start at 2pm if you are late for more than half an hour your registration may be cancelled and the opportunity will be given to participant through venue registration
Participants need to bring the brushes and other required tools
Dinner and light refreshments for the participants will be provided at the venue
Age of entry is restricted to 12 years and above
Completed artworks will be on Display at Orion mall and maximum sales price will be INR 3000
If an artwork is sold, Artville charge 50% of the sales price as commission
If your Artwork is not sold you may collect it back from Artville office from 5th October to 5th November 2013
Any claim for artwork after 5th November 2013 will be invalid
Artwork which can hurt religious or national feelings will not be exhibited
The theme of event is "Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi"
Maximum number of participants will be 150
Registration will be on a first came first serve basis
If you have any questions or need any clarification, please call 9742020666 or email info@artville.in
By clicking on Apply button below you agree to the terms and conditions of the event
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