Today, we are a generation that gets by with help and a click: We are atleast 10 hops away from the person who grows our food, we shop online and do cash on delivery, we embrace ready-to-wear and dig plug-and-play, we get a lot of everyday help with everyday living, even temple rituals are a swipe away! Modern living leaves most of us with close to no opportunity to experience, even on a whim, the richness of doing something with our own hands.
At The Alternative, we are starting 2014 with an edition of the Green Bazaar edition that says DO in capital, bold and a few exclamation marks following. We are saying - D.I.Y if you truly want to learn something and get to the heart of it.
Join us on Jan 26th, at the Green Bazaar #DIYLifeHacks edition, where we are assembling the most eclectic DIY congregation in town to get you to jumpstart with the small things: from maintaining your bike and fixing leaky taps to teaching you to grow your own food right in your backyard. The edition is moving this month to the green lawns of the sustainable TERI campus and features more of your favourite sustainable goodie providers, exciting workshops for kids, storytelling sessions, good food and awesome conversations.
Featuring in The Green Bazaar, January Edition: Recycled/Upcycled Products, Energy Efficiency Solutions, Traditional Handcrafted Products, Indian Children's Books, Handmade Toys, Organic Food, Eco-friendly Home Accessories and Gardening Tools.
Kid's Corner: Children's Storytelling sessions, Make your own Paper Products, Seedball creation, Art out of Waste, traditional Indian games, Origami art, a dedicated LEGO corner and more.
Food Stalls featuring Handmade Delicious Bakes, Vegan Cooking, Organic Indian Food, Healthy Snacks and drinks.
Most things that are worth doing are worth doing, we say!
Spend a fun, colourful, refreshing and earth-friendly Sunday at The Green Bazaar on January 26th, 2014, from 10 am to 7 pm at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Lawns, Domlur, Bangalore - 560025.
The Green Bazaar makes everyday conscious living possible by bringing together, under one roof, a whole variety of sustainable products, workshops and activities that can power your home and regular life.
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